Seattle Pride Parade

June 28, 2015 (2 Days After Supreme Court Decision)
Walking up from South Lake Union at 7:30 AM, we caught the raising of the Pride celebration flag. Well before the parade started, there was a parade of interesting people to see. This guy did hand springs up and down 4th Ave for an hour and a half before the parade began. Festivities opened with Dykes on Bikes.  (My favorite group of the day.) Loud pipes, colorful costumes, and a lot of laughter with this group. Scooter folks behind.  What they lacked in horsepower, they made up in enthusiasm.
"Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence".  Must be a Catholic order... Yowza! T-Mobile float with plenty of music and outward joy. The Starbucks gang had quite the leader.  Yvonne marvelled at his/her makeup. Yvonne being a shoe enthusiast, appreciated the look. Go Starbucks!
Seattle Mayor Ed Murray (left) and his husband (right) worked the crowd. Dogs have Pride too, I assume. Pretty amazing sights and genuine expressions of happiness all day. Roller Batman was a crowd favorite. (He wasn't an official participant, just out having a good time.) Latino group, but I don't recall which one. So. Many. Rainbows.
Amazon (shown) and Microsoft had the biggest corporate groups.  No sign of my employer... Naked (well, some were painted) cyclists spun around for a bit. They lined up and took a bow for the crowd.  I'm glad they faced that side of 4th Ave. Just one of thousands of interesting outfits in the crowd. I have no idea.  The photo opportunities came so fast, I couldn't keep track of what was what. R.O.T.C - Righteously Outrageous Twirling Corps.  "This is how rifles should be used."  Excellent drill!
We made it though almost 3 hours of the 4+ hour parade before being just plain worn out.  Just an amazing celebration.